Super Rate Increase Impact on Your Business
There has been a lot of advertising on television of the increase in the Superannuation Guarantee Rate increasing from 9% to 12%. This has led to much confusion for employees; from the 1st July 2013 the rate is increasing to 9.25%.
It is not until the 2019/20 financial year the rate becomes 12%.
To what amounts is the 9.25% applied to?
9% applies to all pay physically paid before 30th June 2013.
9.25% applies to all pays physically paid after 30th June.
The new 9.25% rate is applied to salary (OTE) amounts paid after 30th June 2013, irrespective of when those amounts accrued.
Employers have an obligation under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 to pay the superannuation guarantee charge (SGC). The SGC is calculated as 9 %( to 30June 2013) or 9.25% (from 1 July 2013) of the total salary & wages (OTE) paid by the employer to the employee. Ordinary Times Earnings (OTE) is earnings in respect of ordinary hours of work.
Checking Your Programs is Essential
Check your payroll programs and make sure they are changed to include the increase of superannuation guarantee (9.25%) before any payments are made in July. This might put extra pressure to finalise the year’s wages and
close off/rollover the software earlier than you normally do. Start reviewing your systems now. Check you have all the correct details for your employees such as; address, DOB, FBT information, RESC information.
Impact on June & July 2013 Payroll
1. Consider paying the super before 30June to get the tax deduction.
2. Check whether salary packages need to be re-engineered
3. In order to get a tax deduction for the 30 June 2013 year the business must have PAID the superannuation out of their bank account into the superfund or at least the clearing house.
4. Check salary packages. Many employees are engaged on a salary package with a total amount which includes the SGC.
5. Review your employment agreements, industrial agreements, minimum wages and awards for direction whether the super increase can be adjusted within the current package or must be added to the package.
6. Start reviewing your End of Year payroll adjustments NOW, talk to us and we will help you through the process.
Getting Help for the Change
Any major business change can be daunting. Why not give the crew at SJ Bookkeeping a call and we will implement all the necessary changes for you so you before July 1st.